The Punjab Assembly passed the Punjab Transparency and Right to Information Act, 2013, in December 2013, aiming to enhance transparency in provincial authorities. The Friedrich Nauman Foundation (FNF-Pakistan) concluded a 2-day seminar on empowering journalists using the Right to Information law to investigate and combat fake news.
Muhammad Anwar, Head of Programs and Administration at FNF Pakistan, emphasised how journalists can boost investigative journalism through the RTI, strengthening the credibility of their stories. Syed Raza Ali, moderator of the seminar, highlighted the importance of journalists as the 4th pillar of democracy, encouraging the RTI Act to unearth and publicise information of public interest. Discussing the legislative landscape of RTI in Pakistan, Ali explained that the right to information is guaranteed in Article 19-A of the Constitution of Pakistan, and the existence of five RTI laws provides the mechanism. Provincial authorities are bound to provide the requested information within 14 days under the Punjab Transparency and RTI Act, 2013, he further added.
Tahira Habib, a rights activist, underscored the need for journalists to cultivate critical thinking to counter fake news, emphasising adherence to professional standards and ethics. Critical thinking identifies gaps in information, explains different aspects and cultivates a culture of fact checked journalism, she further added.
More than 15 journalists from various media outlets attended the seminar and commended the efforts of FNF-Pakistan for organizing such a seminar and called on the journalists’ organizations to hold similar sessions for young journalists in order to promote investigative reporting and countering fake news.